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How I create solutions, opportunities and more joy….

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Have you ever been in a situation that you knew was right but, you couldn’t exactly explain why?  Or have you ever received a call from someone right after you were thinking about them? 

I believe this is your Intuition guiding you. One of the early spiritual teachers and metaphysical writers, Florence Scovel Shinn, explained, ‘Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain but simply points the way.’  

Other’s have described Intuition as an energy field or part of us that transcends our intellect. It is something that you connect with not something that you think about. It is an INNER KNOWING.

Researchers have determined that it does not come from our left hemisphere, the logical side of our brain but, from our right hemisphere, the more creative, innovative side.

Osho believed that,’Intellect is the functioning of the head, Instinct is functioning of the body, Intuition is the functioning of your heart. and behind all of those is YOU….the witness.

How and why is this all important to you?

If you are feeling stuck or dealing with a challenging situation, you can access your Intuition to help guide you towards the answers and ultimate relief you are seeking.

When we become anxious, worried & feel out of control, we cause tension and dis-ease in our the body.

This stressed out mind and body generates an overall feeling of resistance and a low vibrational energy that may seem like you are lacking something and feel like your life is a struggle. 

To STOP the madness, it can be greatly helpful to tap into your Intuition.

Our intuition is there to lead us to harmony in the mind & body. As you tap into your intuition, you will FEEL calm & more clear.

Here are a few steps that can help you tap into your Intuition.

1. Be present.

2. Sit quietly and breathe deeply.

3. Listen to your thoughts but, don’t get caught up in the stories. Return to the breath.

4. Learn the difference in the ‘gut feeling’ and the voice of the ‘inner critic’. Hint: The gut feeling usually feels good and the inner critic usually feels bad.

5. Take a walk, get into nature and feel the openness and magic all around you.

6. Increase your creativity, practicing with your right brain through art, yoga, meditation or other creative outlets that you enjoy.

Trust that by feeling more relaxed and more open to possibility, you have connected with your inner guide and raised your vibration allowing YOU to attract more SOLUTIONS, OPPORTUNITIES and an ABUNDANCE OF JOY into your life.

Much love & harmony,


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