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Balancing it out with Yin…

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One thing I know for sure….I love me some Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga! It can be an amazing workout and a great practice for the mind. Not to mention, a terrific opportunity to deepen your self awareness. As a compliment to these dynamic practices, I have recently included more YIN YOGA to balance my over stimulated mind and nervous system. In our busy society and especially during the holiday season, finding balance and calm in your body and mind can be challenging. By adding a more calming practice such as Yin Yoga it can release stress and tension and provide overall increased health.

Yin Yoga is based on the Taoist concept of YIN and YANG, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin being the unchanging, stable energy and yang the changing, mobile energy.

In the body, Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, joint capsules, tendons and fascia that can be more compressed and dense. Commonly, a Yin Yoga practice includes longer held passive floor poses. These poses may be held anywhere from one to five minutes or longer. Often a Yin sequence will specifically target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Of course, it is extremely important while approaching this practice not to attempt to force your full range of stretch. Instead of taking it to your ‘edge’ or stretch discomfort find a happy medium where you can find greater relaxation and ease in the body. One of the most significant benefits happens simply by learning to release patterns of muscular tension so that as the body relaxes, then a subtler, deeper relaxation can occur.

Yin yoga is known as a quite meditative practice, nonetheless there are many benefits to this type of yoga including calming the mind, regulating energetic flow of energy in the body, increased mobility, decrease stress, and increase stamina. Yin helps balance our nervous system and can increase our overall cognitive process. Through this meditative style I’ve found that it can open the door to a healthy forum for communicating with your body. It can also allow yourself to become more aware of unconscious patterns of thought so that you may free yourself from any self defeating tendencies.

During this practice, suppressed feelings may have an opportunity of revealing themselves. It is encouraged that you allow them to arise without identifying to them, however be an observer of anything that comes through. Noticing the emotions without getting caught up into the stories can be extremely powerful. By observing the sensations with an open perception can provide an opportunity for release and possibly a new pattern of acceptance and non- attachment. Clearing your system of these emotions can remove blockages that cause dis-ease in your body.

Of course there is no one form of yoga that is suitable for everyone. Find what works for you. In experiencing the benefits of this combo in my practice, I am now teaching a new class that provides both the vigorous joys of Vinyasa yoga along with a gentle closing with Yin poses. If you haven’t already, come check it out Monday or Wednesday nights at 7pm.  Hope to see you there.

Peace & Love!


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